Product Fields

SN field name Description
1 id* System generated ID that uniquely identifies this product
2 stock_no Manually assigned code that uniquely identifies this product (may contain letters, space, dash and underscore)
3 name product name, duplicate name is not allowed
4 cost cost, only zero or positive value is allowed; should have more than 2 decimal palces
5 retail_price retail price, only zero or positive value is allowed; should not have more than 2 decimal places
6 description description
7 allow_decimal_quantities Sets this flag to true if decimal value is allowed in quantity (default to false)
8 disable_discount Sets this flag to true if retail price cannot be discounted at the store (default to false)
9 disable_inventory Sets this flag to true if product does not require inventory tracking (e.g. service), (default to false)
10 enable_open_price Sets this flag to true if cashier is allowed to change retail price (default to false)
11 tax_exempt Sets this flag to true if tax should not be computed for this item (default to false)
12 tag_list list of tags separated with comma
13 barcode_list list of barcodes separated with comma
14 thumbnail_url* image url
15 branch_prices* array containing branch prices
16 tax_rates* (read-only) an array containing tax rates
17 tax_list** (write-only) use this field to update product tax
17 utc_created_at* created date in UTC format
18 utc_updated_at* last updated date in UTC format
19 status* Possible values are NULL and 'D' (NULL = Active, 'D' = Deleted)


  1. When XML data is returned, the fields may not be in above order.
  2. The fields marked with asterisk(*) are read only.
  3. ** tax_list is write-only field. For information how to update product tax, please see this article